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Prevention is the best medicine. Being able to identify signs of foot problems can go a long way in preventing complications.

Have your health care professional check your feet AT LEAST one to two times per year or more if required.

When to see your doctor

If you have any corns (thick or hard skin on toes), calluses (thick skin on bottom of feet), in-grown toenails, warts or slivers, have them treated by your doctor or a foot care specialist (such as a podiatrist, chiropodist or experienced foot care nurse). Do not try to treat them yourself.

If you have any swelling, warmth, redness or pain in your legs or feet, see your doctor or foot specialist right away.

Have your bare feet checked by your doctor at least once a year. In addition, ask your doctor to screen you for neuropathy and loss of circulation at least once a year.

Take your socks off at every diabetes-related visit to your doctor and ask him or her to inspect your feet.

Know the signs
(click photos to enlarge)
Are your feet… What can you do?
  • Numb, painful or tingling?
  • Do your feet feel like blocks of wood?
  • Control your blood glucose (sugar) levels.
  • Have a health-care professional trim your toenails and care for the skin on your feet.
  • Have your shoes professionally fitted.
  • Changing shape?
  • Is one foot different than the other?
  • Any change is important.
  • Avoid too much walking.
  • Visit your health-care professional as soon as possible.
  • Have your shoes professionally fitted.
  • Dry, callused or cracked?
  • Do they have sores or blisters?
  • Changes to your skin should be seen by a health-care professional.
  • Wash a sore or blister with warm water; dry well, and cover with a bandage. See a health-care professional today.
  • Avoid walking on your foot as it heals.



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